Monday, March 29, 2010


WOW so I haven't posted anything since august, that's like what 9 months?!?!?!? Woah, talk about major slacking! Anyway, since August I have been a very busy girl. I finished my first semester at Snow and passed with flying colors (no grades lower then a B-) and started on my second semester, which will now be over in about 5 weeks!! Next fall I plan on going to SLCC to further my education then transfer to Utah State in another year-year and a half. I'm so excited! Let's see I also have a job now at IFA in Riverton, and am working on training to be a vet's assistant. Um...what else...after two years of single life I had a boyfriend for a few months....that didn't turn out too well, the kid turned out to be a real creep and he broke my heart...I've gotten over it now (didn't take me too long haha). I consider it a real blessing that I found out how he was before anything happened to me. I'm glad my family let me know they're feelings, it helped guide my decision to end it and to start to heal. I'm doing good now, hopefully I have things all figured out. I've learned alot being out on my own. I'm thankful for alot of things in my life that made me who I am...all the hardships, all the life lessons...they all made me who I am today, and after alot of thinking I have decided I am thankful for EVERYTHING! I am happy to be me!...LIFE IS GOOD! REMEMBER TO LET WHO YOU ARE SHINE THROUGH BECAUSE WHO KNOWS, SOMEONE MIGHT LIKE YOU JUST FOR WHO YOU ARE!